Here at runyourfleet we are always looking to improve the services that we offer to our customers, therefore we are pleased to announce we are now working in partnership with ADESA. The service offered streamlines the vehicle disposal process to make it faster, more efficient and cost effective.

Here’s how it works:

Intelligent Vehicle Inspection:

Our inspection app, ADESA IVI, empowers you or your drivers to self-inspect their vehicle using a mobile phone, and it takes just 10 minutes! Trained inspectors are not required! AI technology automatically appraises and calculates any damage and you’ll receive a comprehensive inspection report.


Through integration with our digital auction platform, ADESA UPSTREAM, we’ll launch your stock for sale remotely within one day of inspection. By marketing vehicles for sale remotely and immediately, we’re reducing costs and days to sell significantly. Our significant buyer database ensures that we can maximize the return on your assets.

Working with ADESA CONNECT, we’re making the vehicle disposal process easier and more efficient than ever before.

For more information contact the team today on 03445 733 235 or email